6 Rules for Sanity for People Pleasers

Uncategorized Aug 09, 2020

If you fall into the category of people who drive themselves nuts by trying to constantly make others happy: PLEASE read on.

(Or don't if you just don't want to. I depise those things telling me I MUST follow this person or read this email or I'll die or be disappointed for the rest of my life. If you don't want to read this, I'll be ok either way; but these rules have helped others and may offer some insight).

To any People Pleasers in the house: you've got my empathy! YES, it's great to make others happy and feel good. It brings us joy. And yes, being kind is a wonderful thing, the world needs more of it. Many of us love seeing the look of pleasure on someone else's face and like knowing we helped to put it there.
But there are rules. Limits. Boundaries. You can't do it all the time and it can't be your only focus. It will wear you down, exhaust you, and eventually you can end up overwhelmed, tired, and worn out.

That's why boundaries are so very very important; and here I called them "Rules". They can be limits, stops, or lines you create for yourself but they're all boundaries.

Here are some of the hard and fast rules I train people on:
Rule: Don't please others in ways that cost you.
Rule: Make sure you have the room to ask for what you want, not just focus on what someone else wants.
Rule: Self care isn't selfish.
Rule: Be mindful of giving to others when you don't have enough for yourself.
Rule: Never place the value of someone else's good opinion or attention above your own.
Rule: If you're afraid to speak your mind, pay attention. (P.S. There's a way to do it gracefully).

If you are a reforming (or reformed) People Pleaser, know that you can change. You can learn how to take care of yourself AND also do kind things for others, when it works for you. The energy is different. NO longer will you give when you're not filled up; you'll be able to recognize when it's time for you to give yourself a Time-Out and recharge BEFORE you say "Yes, I'll do that." Just to make someone else happy. There are no medals for martyrs due to exhaustion.

You got this. You can do it. I know you can.


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